Project Scope Example

Project Scope Example and the Tips to Make It

Manager uses the project scope before implementing any project. This is document that contains general planning, review, action plan, and other related issues that will happen during project. In order to make properly, you can use project scope example as reference.

Understanding Project Scope

Project manager has responsibility to ensure all tasks are performed in right order. In simple term, you know whether the project is achievable or not from the scope. In project scope example, several things are important to know before exploring this topic further.

  1. Things need to be done

Project scope contains the list of goals and objectives that need to be done. Moreover, you can add instruction and method on how to achieve that goal. People who read this scope will know what the steps to do for certain task.


  1. Outcome, product, and result

Besides steps and method, the project cope also has outcome or product that the project must have at the end of task. Outcome is separated between few sections based on the level of task. From minor outcome you obtain general result. Those things are explained in project scope.


  1. Obstacle, limitation, problem

When implementing task or method, the project may find obstacle and problem. The scope is capable to predict what issue may appear. Besides, limitation provides reliable information when you must allocate the resources. Basically, you can read this scope and formulate how to overcome problem immediately.

Tips Making Project Scope

Next section will explore tips when you make scope based on project scope example. From several examples, you learn that each has similarities and differences. In order to create proper scope, follow below tips carefully.

  1. Specific

Project scope has to be specific. One goal is described and explained in detail. You cannot create misunderstanding that leads to trouble in the future.


  1. Measurable

The scope explains product that will attain after the tasks are done. That result must be measurable with parameter. You can calculate result in each task and accumulate it for bigger objective.


  1. Achievable

You can use scope because you know what to get at the end of project. This situation shows the project is achievable based on standard and calculation.


  1. Realistic and relevant

The scope uses real world perspective when making standard. Something that’s too good to be true is completely out of implementation. Therefore, the scope only provides task that’s capable to implement in real life.


  1. Timely

The projects scope needs timeline for each steps and tasks. The timeline consists of several types, such as daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. Each time has specific target based on the objective.

Download project scope example

Project manager has responsible to create the scope. He will discuss with client or customer about project. After the idea is approved, planning is started to enter project scope phase. During this time, manager assemblies teams from various departments. Each must know what to do.

You can use template that comes from project scope example. The content in example is deleted and you add yours. You can combine one or two more examples to create scope that’s reliable and relevant to your project.

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

project scope example

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